5 Steps to Switching Car Insurance

5 Steps to Switching Car Insurance

It’s likely that thinking about insurance policies is not your favorite past-time like it is ours. So every 6 months to a year when the bill comes, you pay up and don’t think about it again. However, you could be doing yourself and your wallet a...
Benefits of Road Side Assistance

Benefits of Road Side Assistance

Roadside assistance is now often included in many car insurance policies, or can be easily added as desired. Do you have emergency assistance built into your policy? Here’s what to expect from your policy and some considerations for whether or not roadside assistance...
New Laws for Drivers in Louisiana

New Laws for Drivers in Louisiana

In August of 2017, the state released a new set of over 200 statutes that had been passed in the legislative session back in June. These new laws covered a large range of topics- from educational reform and criminal sentencing to health care amendments and traffic...
Back-to-School Insurance

Back-to-School Insurance

What does insurance have to do with back-to-school preparations? Today is the first day of school for many students across the United States. Before the homework and extra-curriculars begin to fill your free time- now may be the best time to do your homework on how a...