December is Safe Toys and Gifts Month

December is Safe Toys and Gifts Month

As you wrap up your Christmas shopping, it’s a good time to think about the safety of your children. Toys are one of the most common gifts during this festive season, but they carry hidden risks. That’s why this month we’re focusing on some of the...
Ensuring a Safe Thanksgiving

Ensuring a Safe Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time to be with family and friends, so it’s important to make sure you’re safe. Here are some tips for keeping yourself healthy and happy on this holiday: Thanksgiving Safety Tips 1. Beware Of Cooking Fires In the United States,...
Winter Home Prep

Winter Home Prep

As the temperatures drop, your risk of costly home maintenances could increase. Preparing your home for the winter is a proactive step to protect yourself and your wallet! Here are some preparatory steps you can take to get your property ready for the cold! Check Your...
Get the Fireplace Ready

Get the Fireplace Ready

This may sound a little pre-emptive, but fall is just around the corner. We know you’ve been prepping by buying pumpkin flavored lattes and baking cinnamon bread, but we thought some activities that reduce your insurance costs could help too. Although this seems like...
Space Heater Safety

Space Heater Safety

Colder temperatures have many of us curled up in a corner with our space heater on blast. When I turned on my heater recently and the lights flickered, I began to wonder about the safety of the product and did some research. Turns out, space heaters lead to over 1,000...