New Laws for Drivers in Louisiana

New Laws for Drivers in Louisiana

In August of 2017, the state released a new set of over 200 statutes that had been passed in the legislative session back in June. These new laws covered a large range of topics- from educational reform and criminal sentencing to health care amendments and traffic...
What to Do if You Witness a Car Accident

What to Do if You Witness a Car Accident

In our most recent blog, we talked about what to do if you’re in a car accident. However, those directly involved in the accident aren’t the only players in the game. If you witness an accident, you could still be a valuable voice in the situation. Every...
Why Do You Need Renters Insurance?

Why Do You Need Renters Insurance?

It took you years to assemble your collection of Marvel comic books, but it could only take minutes for a burglar to take off with them from your first floor apartment! Luckily, you can get renters insurance quotes quicker from Henry Insurance Service than it took you...