The new year is a time to reflect on the past and make plans for the future. It’s also a great opportunity to set yourself up for success by updating your insurance policies and getting your affairs in order.

Here are some ideas for how you can make sure that 2023 is an exciting, healthy, and valuable year:

Update Your Inventory of Personal Possessions

It’s important to keep a record of your personal possessions so you can easily access this information in the event of an emergency. Use your list to create a detailed inventory that you can then store on your computer or in a safe place at home.

This will give you peace of mind and also provide evidence if something should ever be stolen or damaged. Make sure that every item is properly identified with its value and serial number, if applicable.

If you’ve made any major purchases recently (like furniture or electronics), request receipts for them—they may come in handy when filing claims for damage or theft later on!

Get an Appraisal on Your Home

When you’re selling a home, you want to get the most money possible. To do this, it’s important to know how much your house can sell for in today’s market.

An appraisal on your home will let you know what kind of improvements have increased its value and how much they might be worth.

Review Your Health Insurance Plan for any Provider Changes

If your plan changed provider networks, the doctors and hospitals you used in the past may no longer be available. Contact your health insurance provider to avoid any unexpected costs upon health visits.

Make Plans for Your Future

Are you hoping for any major life, property, or business changes? If so, now is the time to plan for them. It’s also a great time to review your current insurance coverage and make adjustments where needed.

By setting realistic goals and having a plan in place for achieving them, you can ensure that everything works out as smoothly as possible when change arrives! We wish you a happy and safe new year!

Our team here at Henry Insurance is a trusted resource to our clients. Give us a call at 225-927-0451 and we’ll be happy to find the protection that’s right for you, no matter the circumstance.