Memorial Day kicks off the summer months on the water for many. If you own a boat or other watercraft, regular maintenance is necessary so that you, your family and friends can enjoy the water together safely in the days to come. Here are some boat maintenance tips to evaluate on your boat after every use.

Boat Maintenance Tips for Louisiana

  1. If you’re done with the boat for the day, secure your boat to the trailer and closely inspect the tie downs for damage. Better safe than sorry before you hit the road.

  2. Check out the trailer tires, coupler, safety chains and lights before transporting the watercraft. Improper trailering can be a danger to you and others on the road.

  3. Inspect the propeller on the boat if applicable. Make sure no debris is caught. Additionally, evaluate potential damage to the propeller which can cause your boat to lose performance and burn an unnecessary amount of fuel. 

  4. Once you’re home, touch the trailer hubs to evaluate temperature. If the hubs feel hot, it’s time to replace the bearings. Do this immediately!

  5. Flush the engine. Check your watercraft for corroding salt of brackish water in the engine. If present, get rid of either by using the built-in flushing system in your watercraft or attach a hose to a set of “muffs”.

  6. Rinse your boat off post-use with a quick hose down to prevent molding and mildew that may be caused by lake or ocean water. Once you’ve rinsed, wipe the exterior down with a cloth to avoid unwanted maintenance later. 

These six simple boat maintenance tips can prevent costly repair needs and unfortunate mishaps in the future. A little investment now will protect you from big headaches later. For additional protection, we’ve got you covered with boating insurance options. Our unique approach to coverage means that we search for the best package to fit your needs rather than prescribing limited packages from one provider. If you’re interested in exploring your watercraft insurance options, get in touch with one of our experts at (225) 927-0451 or email