Even with the price of gasoline dropping daily for a gallon, car ownership can still be a very expensive proposition. But, your car insurance may be the one area in which you can definitely save yourself some money. But, do you know what to look for?

If you don’t, you may be missing out on opportunities that could save you some cash.

Top 6 Ways In Which To Save On Car Insurance

Carry Multiple Policies with one insurance company. Almost all major insurance companies carry a multi-policy discount. If your car insurance policy is at a different company than your homeowners or renters policy, consider moving one or the other. This is the top way to save additional money for car insurance.

Multiple Vehicle Policy with one insurance company. Most insurance agencies will give you a discount for insuring more than one vehicle on the same policy.

Drive Safely. The better your driving record, the better your rates will be. If your record is completely clean, you should qualify for some of the best rates. And consider taking a defensive-driving course as well. Some insurers offer discounts for completion of these courses.

Drive a Safer Car. You may not think insurance companies care about this, but the more safety features your car has, the cheaper your rates could potentially be. Insurance companies have been known to discount for items such as anti-lock brakes, anti-theft devices, air bags, daytime running lights and self-retracting seatbelt features.

Drive a Newer Vehicle. You may think that insurance companies don’t want to pay the expense in the event that a newer vehicle was damaged in an accident, but many offer discounts based on the age of the vehicle. This includes whether you have the latest in ‘green’ vehicles or low mileage that comes with a newer vehicle.

Good Grades. If you are a student, keep your grades up! This isn’t just a way to keep your parents happy, but a way to decrease your auto insurance premiums. Most give discounts for a B average or above. And, this isn’t just for teenaged drivers, but some policies will take into account drivers under 25 that are still students.


Other ways in which to save money on car insurance worth mentioning could be paying your entire premium all at once, enrolling in paperless statements, belonging to the military or some other group that has an affinity with an insurance company, or even switching to a new carrier prior to the old policy ending (early signing discount).

Some discounts are pretty common, like the top 6 listed above, but some are more obscure. Depending upon the insurer, some offer discounts to the recently married. They even have some that will give you a discount based on whether you attest to always wearing your seat belt.

If you haven’t reviewed your policy in a while, visit Henry Insurance Service and let one of our Auto Insurance Experts walk you through the process of checking for the best coverage at the best rates. You never know if there are discounts out there waiting for you and no one has bothered to discover them for you.