Albert T. Scallan, AAI, CIC, CRM

Specialty Areas:

Business Insurance, Liability Insurance, Contractors Insurance, Commercial Insurance, Builders Risk Insurance

A message from Henry Insurance Agent, Al Scallan:

You entrepreneurs and business owners never cease to amaze me. Your vision and courage, striking out on your own despite the risks and odds, is truly inspiring.

My admiration for your creativity, boldness and hard work is what drives me to help you protect what you are building.

You are, no doubt, great at what you do. You’ve got some area of expertise that you are building a future on. Maybe it is construction, or property investing, or some other commercial venture.

I have an area of expertise as well. I know what can go wrong and destroy your vision in a blink of an eye – and I know the simple, affordable steps you can take to keep from losing your dream.

I have designed custom insurance packages that now protect the dreams of over 100 local contractors and business owners as you read this. I love taking the time to learn all about what you do, so that I can provide the best possible solution for you.

If you have a dream, a business you want to protect from all the things that could take it away from you, a family to provide for no matter what comes your way, then you should really take a few minutes and ask me about what your options are.

Get to know Al:

After graduating from LSU, Al started his career at IBM before choosing to enter the insurance industry. He has now been involved with protecting dreams for over 25 years. He has served as President of the Professional Insurance Agents of Baton Rouge, and National Chairman of the Maryland Casualty’s Construction Agents Forum. He is also the proud Assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 50. He lives here in our local area with his wife and two sons. He enjoys running, mountain biking, woodworking, pistol shooting.