It’s that time of year again…no, not Thanksgiving or Christmas, but 2016 planning time.

And your planning should include reviewing your policies for your business and your employees. And this includes health insurance.

Benefits are a valuable piece of the compensation pie to most employees. And, these days, health care benefits can be the deciding factor for many employees in terms of retention.

Every small business has to at least consider them in order to keep top talent and remain competitive with other businesses.

And, given the changes in health care reform, it also helps you, in some cases, avoid penalties imposed by the government.

You also might want to consider offereing benefits to employees for selfish reason…you can take advantage of less expensive health options for you and your family as well as gain tax breaks for contributions made by the company.

But how do you know if these options are right for you and your small business? How do you know if its right for your employees?

Henry Insurance Service can assist you in setting up health insurance, dental plans, disability, life insurance, and long term care insurance.

We are able to provide the best possible group health insurance plans because we go through multiple providers. Instead of relying upon one insurance company, we are able to find the best possible plans and rates to match your needs.

You may want to custom design benefits for all employees, carve out different plan designs for classes (management vs. non-management), or design specific benefits for owners and staff.

Either way, we are here to help you and work within your budget for 2016.

Download our group consensus form at to eliminate the time and stress of calling around trying to compare policies. Or call us at 225-927-0451 to speak to a Group Health Expert.